Articles from AskTheNanny®

Helping Your 1 Year Old Sleep Through The Night

Despite common misconceptions, babies aged 12 to 18 months do not always sleep through the whole night. Instead, their sleep ...

Playing a musical instrument

Can playing a musical instrument determine academic success for your child? Various research has examined the causal link between your ...

5 Tips that will encourage better toddler behaviour

Always give a countdown. It is better to pre warn your toddler that a change of activity is imminent. If ...

My tips for a stress free bedtime

Have a bedtime routine, however allow for some flexibility. Follow the same pattern of events each night, even if the ...

10 Top Tips To Get Your Toddler To Eat Healthily

Eat meals with your toddler where possible. Children learn from watching adults. If your toddler is always eating alone, she ...

Why does my baby wake in the night?

A relatively new mum asked me this morning “why does my baby wake during the night even when she isn’t ...

Modern Day Vitamin D deficiency

Modern Day Vitamin D deficiency in a westernised culture: unpicking the scare mongering about rickets Rickets for most of us ...

New born baby sleep

New born babies typically sleep for 16 to 18 hours in a 24-hour period. If you and your baby had ...

Dairy Free

With more and more people feeling the health benefit of a dairy free diet the "Free from" market is booming ...

Just like the beezzz, we all lead our own busy lives today. We don’t always have family and friends living in close proximity, and are not able to call on them for advice. We may not feel able to discuss our anxieties and problems associated with parenting with health professionals for fear of them judging us. It can be a very lonely time. “

I can therefore provide you with a caring and fully confidential service, with professional and practical advice to help you through. I am available for telephone coaching appointments. I am sorry, but I am currently unavailable for personal home visits.